Three ICA Commissions (History of Cartography; Map Production & Geoinformation Management; Use, User & Usability Issues) and the Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar” (Zagreb, Croatia) invite the submission of abstracts for papers and posters for a joint conference in Dubrovnik (Croatia), the medieval port city on the coast of the Adriatic and UNESCO World Heritage Site: 6th International Symposium on the History of Cartography The Dissemination of Cartographic Knowledge:Production – Trade – Consumption – Preservation. Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia). Date: October 13-14, 2016. The Call for Papers can be found as from mid November 2015 at the conference website, including information on registration, programme, transportation and accommodation. The first Call for Papers can be found here. This is a unique collaboration which gives the opportunity to focus on the usability of historical cartographic products and the methods/techniques that were used to produce them. If you have an interest in this or related topics, you can submit your abstract until the 15th of February 2016.