Author Archive: Kristien Ooms
Kristien Ooms
The ICC 2017 in Washington DC will start in one month! We are happy to announce that we have 6 sessions devoted to the commissions’ topics: (for a detailed schedule of each, click here. Session No. Day Time Proposed title…
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Kristien Ooms
We proudly would like to present the Research Agenda on which we have been working for the past few years; This has recently been published in a special issue of the International Journal of Cartography that envisions the future of…
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Kristien Ooms
Next year there is a new edition of the International Cartographic Conference, which takes place in Washington from the 2nd till the 7th of July 2017. Please notice that the deadline for submitting your abstracts is approaching fast: 26th of…
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Kristien Ooms
Three ICA Commissions (History of Cartography; Map Production & Geoinformation Management; Use, User & Usability Issues) and the Institute of Social Sciences “Ivo Pilar” (Zagreb, Croatia) invite the submission of abstracts for papers and posters for a joint conference in…
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Kristien Ooms
The ICA commissions on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Map Design and Use, User, and Usability Issues are preparing a special issue for the International Journal of Cartography that will include multiple Research Agenda papers conceptualized around…
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Kristien Ooms
Three ICA commissions – Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization,Visual Analytics and Use, User, and Usability Issues – organised joint sessions at the AAG Annual Meeting, which took place from March 29 – April 2 2016 in San Francisco, USA….
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Kristien Ooms
A new edition of the traning workshop on ‘Designing an conducting user studies” was held in Albena in conjunction with the International Conference on Cartography and GIS on the 15th of June 2016. This edition – attended by about 17…
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