Beijing, China | July 11 & 12, 2019
Position Paper Deadline: 1 February 2019- Registration Deadline: 1 June 2019
Registration Now Open (Through June 1)
- All attendees register HERE at no cost.
- Britta Ricker, Robert Roth, ICA Commission on Use, Users, and Usability
- Amy Griffin, Sidonie Christophe, ICA Commission on Cognitive Visualization
- Haosheng Huang, Jukka Krisp, ICA Commission on Location-based Services
- Anthony Robinson, Urska Demsar, Arzu Coltekin, ICA Commission on Visual Analytics
- Weihua Dong, Local Organizer, BNU, Geospatial Cognition and Visual Analytics Research Center
- Linfang Ding, Local Organizer, TU Munich, Geospatial Cognition and Visual analytics Research Center
The ICA Commissions on Cognition, LBS, VA, and Use are pleased to announce a joint workshop to outline a research agenda on Mobile Map UX. Since their first description in the cartographic literature (Zipf 2002, Reichenbacher 2001, 2004, Meng et al. 2005, Gartner et al. 2007), interactive mapping applications drawing on location-based services and mobile technologies have fundamentally transformed the way that people experience place. Accordingly, established tenets of cartography need to be reexamined and updated for the mobile platform. Further, new cartographic design strategies are needed for mobile maps to ensure a productive and satisfying user experience (UX).
Energy is surging around mobile in cartography and related fields (Huang et al. 2018), with extant research covering egocentric design (van Elzakker et al. 2009), mobile icon designs (Stevens et al. 2013), adaptive and responsive designs (Griffin et al. 2017), context-awareness (Huang 2016), situated learning (Roth et al. 2018), citizen science (Haklay 2013), and mobile design ethics (Wilson 2012, Ricker et al. 2014). Recent work also includes new educational materials on mobile cartography for classroom instruction (e.g., Muehlenhaus 2013; Huang & Gao 2018; Ricker & Roth 2018).
Position Papers
This workshop builds upon the successful ICA joint workshops and special issues on Big Challenges in Interactive Cartography and Location Based Services to develop a research agenda for Mobile Map UX. To this end, we solicit 2-page position papers proposing emerging issues and pressing needs regarding Mobile Map UX. We encourage position statements from multiple sectors, including academia, industry, and government. Considerations, opportunities, and challenges of mobile map UX for discussion include, but are not limited to:
- New Data Services: New geotagged big data streams and context-aware services building upon these streams.
- New Technology: New mobile hardware (e.g., smartphones, UAVs, augmented reality, web environment), critical mobile infrastructure (and design constraints therein), and emerging mobile use cases (e.g., in-flight, autonomous vehicles and interfaces thereof).
- New Map Designs: Novel map representations, emerging perceptual and cognitive considerations, and adaptive and responsive map designs across devices.
- New Map Interfaces: New interface designs, including natural metaphors, augmented-/avatar-based interactions, and operator functionality.
- New Analytical Methods: New approaches for scalable spatial analysis that are designed to support mobile mapping.
- New Evaluation Methodologies: New methods and tools designed for or applied to studying mobile user experiences.
- Broader Impacts: New forms of scholarly and citizen participation in science, education, and policy, as well as ethical considerations for the design and use of mobile maps.
The workshop will cross two days, the first focused on student engagement and establishing common ground on topics related to Mobile Map UX and the second on developing a working research agenda for Mobile Map UX (capped registration).
Day #2 papers should be 2-pages and focus on “big problems”, or key research challenges and opportunities, related to the dimensions of Mobile Map UX listed above. Please submit your 2-page white paper in the CHI Archive Format. Please use positions papers from the 2015 workshop as examples for reference (available for download the bottom of the page). Position papers will be peer-reviewed by the organizing committee based on intellectual merit, scope and timeliness, and engagement with new literature and technology.
July 11: Overview & Training Workshops (registration open to students)
- 8:30-9:00: Arrival, Coffee
- 9:00-10:30: User Experience Design for Mobile Cartography (Robert Roth)
- 10:30-11:00: Break
- 11:00-12:30: Cognitive Visualization & Designing Across Map Use Context (Amy Griffin)
- 12:30-14:00: Lunch
- 14:00-15:30: Location-based Services (Haosheng Huang)
- 15:30-16:00: Break
- 16:00-17:00: Discussion & Day #2 Planning
- 18:00: Dinner
July 12: Lightning Talks and Research Agenda (registration by invitation only)
- 8:30-9:00: Arrival, Coffee, Welcome
- 9:00-10:00: Lightning Talks I
- 9:00: Robert Roth What is Mobile First Cartographic Design?
- 9:10: Jukka Krisp: Selected Issues – Providing Better Maps and Information for Location Based Services (LBS) on Mobile Devices
- 9:20: Marcio Schmidt & André Mendonça Challenges in Personal Mobile Navigation
- 9:30: Tumasch Reichenbacher Re-visiting Fundamental Principles of Mobile Cartography
- 9:40: Discussion & Synthesis of Key Points (Robert Roth moderator)
- 10:00-10:10: Break
- 10:10-11:00: Lightning Talks II
- 10:10: Bradley Denney & Amy Griffin Location-Adaptive Design for Mobile Maps: The Case of Languages and Map Labels
- 10:20: Fang Hao et al. Pay Attention to the Influence of Landmarks and Path Design on the Navigation Effect of Indoor Maps
- 10:30: Wangshu Wang & Georg Gartner Towards a Functional Ontology for Mobile Map Applications
- 10:40: Discussion & Synthesis of Key Points (Amy Griffin moderator)
- 11:00-11:30: Break
- 11:30-12:30: Lightning Talks III
- 11:30: Haosheng Huang Challenges of User Experience Design for Human-Centered Location Based Services
- 11:40: Hua Liao & Weihua Dong Challenges of Using Eye Tracking to Evaluate Usability of Mobile Maps in Real Environments
- 11:50: Hao Lyu et al. How Can Augmented Reality Support Spatial Knowledge Learning in Navigation?
- 12:00: Arzu Çöltekin (via Skype) 3D User Interfaces, Human Factors, and Augmented-and-mixed Realty as Maps: Re-establishing the Link between Cartography and Photogrammetry
- 12:10: Discussion & Synthesis of Key Points (Haosheng Huang moderator)
- 12:30-14:00: Lunch
- 14:00-15:00: RA Formulation & Team Organization
- 15:00-16:30: Team Breakout (Roth, Griffin, Huang leads)
- 16:30-17:00: Wrap-up and Next Steps
- 18:00: Dinner
The Beijing Normal University (BNU) Faculty of Geography was founded in 1910 and is one of the premier institutions for cartography and mapping sciences in China. BNU is located between the 2nd and 3rd city rings and is within 2km of multiple metro lines. BNU has graciously offered to provide space and coffee, as well as assistance with visas. Lodging is available on campus at the Jingshi Hotel, with additional options off campus within walking distance. The local organizers have arranged a block of rooms at a discount rate. Please email Mr. YANG Tianyu ( for your reservation, naming the workshop as your reason for the visit.
15 November 2018: Announcement Posted1 February 2019: Deadline for 2-page Position Papers (sent to March 2019: Notification of Accepted Papers & Preliminary Schedule; Registration Opens- 1 June 2019: Deadline to Register (no cost)
- Gartner, G., D.A. Bennett, and T. Morita. 2007. Towards ubiquitous cartography. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 34 (4): 247-257.
- Griffin, A.L., T. White, C. Fish, B. Tomio, H. Huang, C.R. Sluter, J.V.M. Bravo, S.I. Fabrikant, S. Bleisch, M. Yamada, and P. Picanço. 2017. Designing across map use contexts: A research agenda. International Journal of Cartography, 3(Sup1), 61-89.
- Haklay M. 2013. Citizen Science and Volunteered Geographic Information: Overview and Typology of Participation. In: Sui D., Elwood S., Goodchild M. (eds) Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge. Springer, Dordrecht.
- Huang, H. 2016. Context-Aware Location Recommendation Using Geotagged Photos in Social Media. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 5(11): 195, doi:10.3390/ijgi5110195.
- Huang, H., and Gao, S. (2018). Location-Based Services. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (1st Quarter 2018 Edition), John P. Wilson (Ed). doi: 10.22224/gistbok/2018.1.14
- Huang, H., G Gartner, J.M. Krisp, M. Raubal, and N. Van de Weghe. Location based services: Ongoing evolution and research agenda. Journal of Location Based Services.
- Muehlenhaus I. 2013. Web Cartography: Map Design for Interactive and Mobile Devices. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Meng, L., A. Zipf, and T. Reichenbacher. 2005. Map-based mobile services: Theories, methods, and implementations. Berlin: Springer.
- Reichenbacher, T. 2001. Adaptive concepts for a mobile cartography. Journal of Geographical Sciences 11 (1):43–53.
- Reichenbacher, T. 2003. Adaptive methods for mobile cartography. Paper presented at 21st International Cartographic Conference, Durban, South Africa, August 10.
- Ricker, B., S. Daniel, and N. Hedley. 2014. Fuzzy boundaries: Hybridizing location-based services, volunteered geographic information, and geovisualization literature. Geography Compass 8 (7):490–504.
- Ricker, B., and Roth, R. E. (2018). Mobile Maps and Responsive Design. The Geographic Information Science & Technology Body of Knowledge (2nd Quarter 2018 Edition), John P. Wilson (Ed)..
- Roth R.E., S. Young, C. Nestel, C.M. Sack, B. Davidson, V. Knoppke-Wetzel, F. Ma, R. Mead, C. Rose, and G. Zhang. 2018. Global landscapes: Teaching globalization through responsive mobile map design. The Professional Geographer 70 (3): 395-411.
- Stevens, J.E., A.C. Robinson, and A.M. MacEachren. 2013. Designing map symbols for mobile devices: Challenges, best practices, and the utilization of skeuomorphism. In: Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference, Dresden, Germany, August 28.
- Zipf, A. 2002. User-adaptive maps for location-based services (LBS) for tourism. Paper presented at Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Innsbruck, Austria.
- van Elzakker, C. P. J. M., I. Delikostidis, and P. J. M. van Oosterom. 2009. Field-based usability evaluation methodology for mobile geo-applications. The Cartographic Journal 45 (2):139–49.
- Wilson, M.W. 2012. Location-based services, conspicuous mobility, and the location-aware future. Geoforum 43 (6):1266–75.