Location: UCL, London, UK
Date: April 27, 2018
The workshop on lessons learned from volunteers’ interactions with geographic citizen science applications is organised by the internationally-renowned Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) group at UCL and the EU-funded COST Action on citizen science to promote creativity, scientific literacy and innovation throughout Europe, in collaboration with ISPRS WG V/3 on the Promotion of Regional Collaboration in Citizen science and Geospatial Technology and the ICA Commission on Use, User and Usability Issues. The goal is to initiate discussions by collecting and sharing academic and industrial expertise from various contexts, with the ultimate aim to understand how to produce better designs which improve effectiveness and provide an improved user experience in and with geographic citizen science.Expected outcomes include a collection of the presented case studies in a book and a network to inspire and work on future collaboration opportunities. Further information and instructions for submitting an abstract can be found here
Are there any published results of the workshop? If so, please contact me.