UX Commission Activities at ICC 2021 in Florence
Location: Florence, Italy
Date: 14-18 December 2021
Recording of the UX Business Meeting
ICA Joint Commission Workshop on Immersive Cartography / Cartography for Immersive Environments
Location: Florence, Italy (ICC2021 pre-conference workshop)
Date: 13 December 2021
First ICA Webinar on “Mapping for a Sustainable World” co-presented by UX Commission Chair Robert Roth
Location: Enschede, Netherlands (ICC2021 pre-conference workshop)
Date: 14 July 2021
ICA Joint Commission Workshop on Adaptable Research Methods
Location: Madison, WI (online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Date: 6 Map 2021
Workshop webpage (including abstracts, schedule, and recordings)
ICA Joint Commission Workshop on Usability4All
Location: Curitiba, Brazil (online due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
Date: 13 November 2020
Workshop information and schedule
International Cartographic Conference
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Date: 15-20 July 2019
User Experience Design for Mobile Cartography: Setting the Agenda
Location: Beijing, China
Date: July 11-12, 2019
The ICA Commissions on Cognition, LBS, VA, and Use are pleased to announce a joint workshop to outline a research agenda on Mobile Map UX. Since their first description in the cartographic literature (Zipf 2002, Reichenbacher 2001, 2004, Meng et al. 2005, Gartner et al. 2007), interactive mapping applications drawing on location-based services and mobile technologies have fundamentally transformed the way that people experience place. Accordingly, established tenets of cartography need to be reexamined and updated for the mobile platform. Further, new cartographic design strategies are needed for mobile maps to ensure a productive and satisfying user experience (UX). To this end, we solicit 2-page position papers proposing emerging issues and pressing needs regarding Mobile Map UX.
Workshop on lessons learned from volunteers’ interactions with geographic citizen science applications, 27 April 2018, London
Location: UCL, London, UK
Date: April 27, 2018
The workshop is organised by the internationally-renowned Extreme Citizen Science (ExCiteS) group at UCL and the EU-funded COST Action on citizen science to promote creativity, scientific literacy and innovation throughout Europe, in collaboration with ISPRS WG V/3 on the Promotion of Regional Collaboration in Citizen science and Geospatial Technology and the ICA Commission on Use, User and Usability Issues. The goal is to initiate discussions by collecting and sharing academic and industrial expertise from various contexts, with the ultimate aim to understand how to produce better designs which improve effectiveness and provide an improved user experience in and with geographic citizen science.Expected outcomes include a collection of the presented case studies in a book and a network to inspire and work on future collaboration opportunities. Further information and instructions for submitting an abstract can be found here
Reproducibility in Cartography
Location: Olomouc, Czech Republic
Date: April 27, 2018
During the first day (27 April 2017) of the Joint Workshop in Olomouc, Czech Republic, there will be a workshop on Reproducibility in Cartography (programme available here). Register your interest in the workshop through the link in the online programme. Any interested researchers, including those who are not member of any the ICA commissions, are welcome to attend.
ICA Commissions Workshop
Location: Olomouc, Czech Republic
Date: April 27-30, 2018
The ICA Commission on Use, User and Usability Issues together with the ICA Commission on Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization and the ICA Commission on Atlases invite you to a Joint Workshop in Olomouc, Czech Republic on April 27-30, 2018.
The Call for Papers is now open for submissions of abstracts. Deadline for submissions is February 10, 2018. For more information, please visit the workshop website
International Cartographic Conference
Location: Washington
Date: 2-7 July 2017
More info…
Joint Symposium on the History of Cartography
Location: Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Date: October 13-14, 2016
More info…
Training Workshop on Designing and Conducting User Research
Location: Albena (Bulgaria)
Date: June 15, 2016
More information…
Special Sessions @ AAG 2016
Location: San Fransisco (USA)
Date: March 29 – April 2 2016
More information…
Pre-ICC2015 Workshops (20–21 August) in Curritiba, Brazil
The pre-ICC2015 workshops were co-organized at the Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil.
Two different workshops were organized, each lasting one day. Both workshops were attended by about 35 participants. We especially would like to thank our local organizers for their excellent work!
Workshop number one was meant for researchers and students who want to know more about “How to design and conduct user studies”. This workshop was organized together with the ICA Commission on Cognitive Visualization. The detailed program and slides can be found here.
The central theme of workshop number two is “Envisioning the future of cartographic research”. It was organized together with the ICA Commissions on Cognitive Visualization, Map Design and on Geovisualization. So, it is this part of the research agenda (in relation with use and user issues) we focussed on with many interested researchers and future researchers (students). This second workshop did not follow the traditional format of presentations and questions but was based on an active participation of all present. For more information, please have a look here.
CARTOCON 2014: Olomouc, Czech Republic
The commission organized a meeting at the CARTOCON 2014 Conference, which took place from 25 – 28 February 2014 in Olomouc (Czech Republic).The conference aimed to bring together cartographers from across different areas of cartography, which turned out to be a great success:
- Maps and Atlases Production
- Use and Users Issues
- Cognition and Visualization Issues
- Cartography and Statistics
Commission Vice-Chairs David Forrest and Alexander Pucher were invited as keynote speakers.
Workshop on Working with Eye-Tracking: Why, When, and How?
Together with the ICA Commissions on Cognitive Visualization and Geovisualization, the Commission organized a very succesfull pre-ICC2013 Workshop on Working with Eye-Tracking on 23 & 24 August 2013 in Dresden, Germany.
The programme consisted out of a mixture of presentations regarding applications, case studies, data analysis, data interpretation and cognition and demonstrations of eye-‐tracking equipment from different manufacturers.
Workshop on Geographic Human-Computer Interaction
In line with our Terms of Reference (the “outreach chapter”), the Commission supported the organization of a Workshop on Geographic Human-Computer Interaction that was held on 27 – 28 April 2013 (also in Paris and in conjunction with CHI2013).
SOMAP 2012 – Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping
The Commission was one of the co-organizers of the successful SOMAP 2012 Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping, which was held in Vienna, Austria on 22-23 November 2012. Further details can be found here.
Workshop on Designing and Conducting User Studies
On 16 September 2012 (the day before the start of AutoCarto2012) the Commission ran a successful workshop together with the ICA Commission on Cognitive Visualization in Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Participants of the Workshop on Designing and Conducting User Studies
Here you can find the programme of the Workshop.
The Workshop consisted of 4 modules:
Module 1a – Methods and techniques of use, user and usability resaerch in geo-information processing and dissemination (Kristien Ooms & Corné van Elzakker)
Module 1b – Improving the usability of pedestrian navigation systems (Ioannis Delikostidis & Corné van Elzakker)
Module 2 – Designing your user study or experiment (Amy Griffin)
Module 3 – Research instrument integrity (Amy Lobben)
Module 4 – Working with the card sorting method (Robert Roth)
The presentation files are accessible through the links above.
The basic idea is that the Workshop can also be conducted elsewhere and new Modules (e.g. on another research technique) may be added in the future. Please contact Corné van Elzakker in case you want to know more.
4th Workshop on Geographic Information Usability
An interdisciplinary group of around 30 people took part in the 4th Workshop on Geographic Information Usability, held on 17th January 2012 at the School of the Built and Natural Environment, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Further information
ICC 2011 from 1 to 8 July 2011 in Paris
Use and user issues was one of the most prominent conference themes at the 25th International Cartographic Conference. For more information consult the conference website. Use and user issues papers can be found in the bibliography or on the ICA website. The proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference are available online.
Workshop on User Issues in Geospatial Public Transport Information on 1st-2nd July 2011 in Paris
The ICA Commission on Use and User Issues has organized a pre-conference workshop to the ICA conference (4th-8th July) in Paris with the theme ‘User Issues in Geospatial Public Transport Information’. The workshop had a mixed programme of presentations, demonstrations and posters. The participants of the workshop conducted a field test with Paris public transport information. The results will be available soon.
- Abstracts (944 Kb)
- Presentations (28 Mb!!)
Workshop on ‘Emerging Methods for Studying Use of Spatial Technologies’ on 14 September in Zurich
This workshop, sponsored by the Commission, aims to bring together researchers from relevant fields to discuss methods for studying the use of spatial technology in the multidisciplinary context of GIScience.
Spatial technologies of all types are becoming an increasingly common part of many individuals’ daily lives. We define spatial technologies broadly, including but not limited to location-based services, mobile mapping, mash-ups, interactive maps, geovisualizations, and GIS applications such as decision support systems. Although much effort is devoted to building these technologies, fewer resources have been devoted to making them usable or understanding why and how a technology is usable. Encouragingly, however, a growing number of researchers have shown interest in recent years in working in the area of user studies. This workshop is aimed at promoting interaction and exchange between researchers who do user studies (or would like to do them in the future).
Workshop on Methods and Techniques of Use, User and Usability Research in Geo-information Processing and Dissemination Tuesday 13 April 2010 at University College London
The ICA Commission on Use and User Issues of the ICA is currently working on a new handbook specifically addressing the application of user research methods and techniques in the geodomain. In order to share experiences and interesting case studies a Workshop was organized by the Commission, in collaboration with UCL, on the day preceding GISRUK 2010.
2nd Workshop on usability of geographic information
On Tuesday 23rd March 2010 a workshop focussing on the usability of geographic information was held at UCL, London. The workshop was co-organized by the British Ordnance Survey, University of Nottingham and University College London. Links to papers and presentation can be found under ‘papers and proceedings’ on this page.
The presentation slides of the Third Workshop on Usability of Geographic Information, organized by Ordnance Survey and the Commission (on November 10 2010 in Southampton) are available online.
Commission Meetings at the 24th International Cartography Conference in Santiago, Chile (15 to 21-11-2009)
From 15 to 21 November 2009, the International Cartographic Association will hold its 24th International Cartographic Conference in Santiago, Chile.
Commission Working Meeting in Salzburg (25-11-2008)
In conjunction with LBS2008 the Commission on Use and User Issues of the ICA (International Cartographic Association) had a working meeting at the Techno-Z, Salzburg, Austria on Tuesday 25 November. Main topic of this meeting was the structure and contents of a new textbook publication on research methods and techniques for dealing with use and user issues in cartography and geo-information processing and dissemination.
5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography
The Mobile and Web-based Information Systems Group of Salzburg Research and the Cartography & Engineering Geodesy Research Groups of the Vienna University of Technology are pleased to present the 5th International Symposium on LBS & TeleCartography in cooperation with the ICA Commissions on Maps and the Internet & Ubiquitous Mapping and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing WG II/5 on Communication and Visualization of Spatial Data to be held from 26th to 28th November, 2008 at the Salzburg Residenz, City of Salzburg, Austria.